Harmony Health is a team of dedicated, actively-practicing, board-certified nurse practitioners who are committed to helping clients navigate the complex healthcare scene. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, on-demand healthcare management services that empower clients to achieve optimal health and wellness.
Simply put, healthcare is confusing. Our aim is to simplify it. Harmony Health’s advocates are available to you 24/7/365, whenever you need them.
Whether a simple phone call to clarify recent changes in medication or a video conference to have a family meeting, we are available to you to make sure your healthcare is done on your terms.
Unlimited access to expert Nurse Practitioners
Unrestricted 24/7 access to our Nurse Practitioner advocates
Expert medical guidance
Guidance and education for all medical issues
Monthly check-ins
Scheduled monthly telephonic or video check-ins to keep current of any changes to a client’s condition
In-depth medical records review and management
Unlimited access to an updated, collated easy-to-read medical record summary sheet
Liaise between client and all medical specialists
Communication and coordination with all your medical specialists
Management of common and complex medical issues
Assistance in management of all medical issues both chronic and acute such as: diabetes, COPD, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, dementia, etc
Medication reconciliation
A review of all medications both prescribed and over the counter for potential side effects and possible interactions
Interpreting medical jargon
Medical terminology explained and presented to clients and families in plain language
Establishing goals of care
Evaluation and identification of long term treatment goals consistent with your values and wishes
Transitions of care after discharge from hospital
Prior to and after discharge a phone, video or face-to-face follow up to review and clarify all discharge information, medications and follow up instructions
Assistance in finding second opinions and referrals
Assistance in finding physicians and specialists of your choosing associated with clients preferred system
We can also aid in identifying additional resources such as: elder care attorneys, assisted living, home care, private duty nursing, etc
Additional services:
Option to designate advocate as point of contact in event of medical emergencies
Accompaniment to provider visits or procedures
Onsite hospital visitation/ Family meetings
*Additional fees may apply